Wednesday, February 20, 2008

disability and how everyone in the family suffers

why does it take so long to get approved for disability? why is it that the average white caucasion , worked everyday since he was 17, NOT be approved for medical assistance (medicaid) when he comes down with a illness that has no cure. Not to mention, an illness that could have been prevented had the government mandated testing of blood before a transfusion back in the 1960's.
My name is Chris and i received one pint of blood in 1966, at the age of 3 months old. Today at the age of 42, i have severe liver damage and kidney failure due to a disease i contracted in 1966. I have worked all my life, starting as a junior in high school and working up until August 2006, when my illness took over my life. In Feb. 1995, i was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, and have successfully treated Hep C, with medication, until 2007 when my spouses insurance company Bluegrass Family Health of Kentucky, decided it knew more about my health then my doctors did, chose to NOT pay for the Hep. C treatment any longer. The medication, at 3 shots a week, and 6 pills a day was costing an estimated whopper amount of $2800.00 per month. The insurance decided they would no longer pay for this medicine, they stated they did not see any improvement in my health with this treatments, however, they failed to see that my body was steadily fighting the disease and keeping all my bodily functions in tact (ex.liver and kidneys were function, no sign of vasculititis, no swelling and I still worked everyday) The medication was keeping the Hep C in remission. You know like Cancer, a good place to be.
Today I have been fighting the Government for my disability due to my illness. I have been unable to work for the past 18 months, suffered a great financial lost and now trying just to stay above the ground the government doesnt think i qualify for my disabilty. I can no longer support my family, i have suffered great muscle loss, in and out of the hospital, see 3 different speciality doctors, on the average of 4 appointments per month, each doctor and i cannot get disability. What is this all about. I kinda-sorta in a way could look at the government being responsible for my illness, no regualtions on blood transfusions. Today, my wife cannot even donate blood, because of ME ....... but still no disability.
Well, now its mine turn, Paula the wife of 18 years. I have been by Chris' side thru hospital stay, after stay, dr visit after dr visit, even having to learn to give my husband injections not to mention having to do his own personal hygene care because he is not able. And we ask for Medicaid (medical assistance) and were told we did not qualify because "we were a family". You darn right we are a family and we plan to stay that way. When we took our vows April 14, 1990, we stated not to part even during sickness, and poorness, well we have had our share of both. But we refuse to become another number in the divorce statistic. All the assistance we ask for was to pick up the balance our regular health insurance did not cover, what 20% , but "we are a family" so we dont qualify for help. What does it take to make the governement see that both me and my husband and both our parents have worked and payed taxes all our lives and when, born and raised American cannot get help. Somethings just not right here!!

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