Saturday, May 3, 2008

Medicaid and my anger

In closing of the blog i would like to add a few comments. I hope i have not come across as prejudice, i love everyone, race and sex, i just get mental down and exhaustedwhen my own personal family suffers, such as we have in the last 2 years. I believe that the fact that we Chris and myself, have worked and paid in taxes should be an extra qualifying tactic for receiving Medicaid benefits. We did not go there and say hey we don't want to work, so sign us up for Medicaid, i work at a very low paying job, just to have health insurance on my family because i know my husband is sick, and i know we cannot live without health insurance, i just ask for help picking up the balance that our insurance did not pay. I will never forget the way the lady in the Medicaid office looked at us and said but your a family. You doggone right we are. and proud of it. that should not have been a dis-qualifying tactic.
Chris and I have great morals. We believe in God, we believe in family, and marriage vows are not to be broken, after all we did say I Do to: through sickness and health, and for richer and poorer. We have honored these vows and in turn lost everything we worked hard to have. A nice home and 1.5 acres, 2 nice automobiles, the luxury of taking vacations and many other things that we should be enjoying, all because Chris got sick and we would not divorce and lie just to receive a Medical card and Food stamps, and other perks that come with being single, or divorced with child. Pleas don't get me wrong, all these things i mentioned do happen to good people, and some good people can use these benefits to get them through, but what about us, tax payers, happily married and trying to stay alive, what help do we get. I would call this a very crooked system.